Varicose Veins | Thread/Spider Veins | Swollen leg | Deep Vein Thrombosis | Hand, Arm & Foot Veins | May Thurners Syndrome | Varicose Veins in Pregnancy | Varicose Veins in Obese Patients | Restless Leg Syndrome | Varicose Veins of the Testicles
Varicose Veins
This common condition can run in families and affects 60% of the adult population. Offering treatments such as EndoVenous Laser Ablation to Glue Treatments.
Thread / Spider Veins
Thread veins – also known as spider veins – are fine veins that can be seen through the skin. We offer VeinWave or IR Assisted Microsclerotherapy treatments.
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) most frequently occurs in the deep veins of the leg and can lead to a sudden onset of pain and swelling. We offer treatments such as Intra Vascular Ultrasound or Stenting.

Hand, arm and foot veins
The British Varicose Vein Centre are proud to have pioneered in the UK, Europe and worldwide the very successful treatment of hand and arm veins. Click the button below to explore our treatments
Why choose the British Varicose Vein Centre?
Our Location
Our clinic is based at a leading central London hospital, this means all treatments are carried out under the safest possible conditions
Industry Leading Experts
We have some of the industry leading medical experts on veins available to help you
Sensible Pricing
Our consultations start from just £195. We offer fixed price “walk in – walk out” varicose vein treatments and fully inclusive prices
Leaders in keyhole
We are leaders in keyhole treatment for varicose veins
Lumpy Veins Gone
We offer to make all lumpy visible varicose veins vanish in just one treatment session
Highest Standards
Everything we do and all the people involved in your treatment are of the highest standard
Meet the team
Specialists in Varicose Vein Treatment
At the British Varicose Vein Centre not only does our fixed price varicose vein treatment represent value for money, it is also performed to the very highest technical standard and care. We provide only the latest up to date keyhole varicose vein treatments including the revolutionary 2-ring Laser Radial Fibre vein closure technique. With treatments that you can trust, at the London based varicose vein clinic, we have the experience to treat any vein problem. Because of our high quality facilities and unlike many other varicose vein clinics we are able to treat all the visible lumpy varicose veins in one treatment session. This is saves time and money as the expensive aftercare visits and treatment are not required. This is no matter how severe the lumpy veins are, if we are unable to do this we will say so. Spider veins and broken veins are not varicose veins and are treated by different methods. We have performed more than 20,000 vein treatments. These treatments include varicose veins, broken veins, thread veins, spider veins, foot & hand veins, leg swelling, blood clots and leg ulcers Specialising in pioneering laser and keyhole, varicose vein treatment, you can return to work or the gym within 24 hours.
“Never too old- I am doing it for myself”
Conditions: Varicose veins, thread veins and spider veins
Treatment: Endovenous laser ablation & infra red guided sclerotherapy
Experts in varicose vein treatments
0207 286 7274
The Hospital of St Johns and St. Elizabeth
Grove End Road
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