Hand, Arm and Foot Veins

The British Varicose Vein Centre are proud to have pioneered in the UK, Europe and worldwide the very successful treatment of hand and arm veins. Patients wish treatment because of embarrassment or lack of self confidence showing their large hand and arm veins. We have developed a very unique treatment protocol that utilises an extremely fine laser fibre which cannot be used on standard laser machines or those using Radiofrequency ablation.

Our treatment is bespoke to the individual which continues with the very important aftercare period. The treatment we offer for hand and arm veins is individually bespoke confident in treating the individuals wishes for the cosmetically unsightly hand veins. Hand and arm veins are treated with endovenous laser under local anaesthetic, leaving no scarring. Patients who have their hand and arm vein treatment are more often than not self confident patients who are able to return to work very soon after the procedure, depending on their occupation.

Foot Veins are also treated using similar and bespoke state of the art laser technology as we use on hand veins. Foot veins often start as healthy veins. With time, however, they can become varicose veins if a one-way vein valve starts to leak. It is therefore important to examine all the veins in the leg and feet with an ultrasound machine to determine what is causing these veins to swell.

Book your consultation

Call us on:

0207 286 7274

Email: bvvc@varicoseveins.co.uk

or complete our enquiry form

Veins on feet can sometimes become very painful, unsightly, swollen or tender. When this is the case our patients may ask for foot vein treatment or vein removal. Each treatment is bespoke to the individual patient as it is determined by the cause of the condition in the first place.

Foot veins are treated in a number of ways, the most common using endovenous laser techniques. Sometimes our team may also perform a local ambulatory phlebectomy (a small incision to remove superficial veins) to the affected area. All these procedures are performed in an out-patient setting under local anaesthetic. There is no need to admit patients into the hospital and the treatment leaves no scarring.

Treatments for Hand, Arm and Foot Veins

EndoVenous Laser Ablation
  • Gold standard treatment of varicose veins (NICE approved) (99%
  • Keyhole treatment
  • All varicose vein sizes can be treated
  • Relatively painless with return to work within 24 hours
  • Bespoke lasers generators for different size veins and anatomy
  • Useful in treating primary and secondary varicose veins

Click here to learn more about this treatment

Infrared Assisted Microsclerotherapy
  • Gives better and superior results to sclerotherapy alone for treatment of spider and thread veins
  • Can demonstrate spider veins and reticular veins very clearly so accurate treatment occurs
  • Can demonstrate the feeding veins of the spider and thread veins thereby giving excellent results
  • Can demonstrate successful treatment of the spider , thread and feeding veins
  • Very useful in treating abnormal groin and vulval veins
  • Very useful in treating unusual varicose veins and recurrent varicose veins

Click here to learn more about this treatment

Veinwave Treatment

Veinwave is a revolutionary treatment for red (thread, spider or broken) veins on the legs or face. This thermo-coagulation technique is a complete solution being effective, totally safe and relatively painless with only minimal temporary bruising, producing immediate results with no side effects. 

 Click here to learn more about this treatment

Vein Check-up

At the British Varicose Vein Centre we offer an early detection service for the potential risk of developing thread veins, varicose veins, pelvic varicose veins and deep vein thrombosis (DVT).

Click here to learn more about our Vein Check Up services

Contact Us

Call now on 0207 286 7274 |  Email bvvc@varicoseveins.co.uk
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