Leg Ulcer and Wound Care Clinic
At the British Varicose Vein Centre we are specialists in treating leg ulcers. We run a very specialised leg ulcer and wound care clinic that has the sole aim of rapidly healing nearly all leg ulcers, even those that are hard to heal. Some of these ulcers may have been present from weeks to even years. Even if an ulcer has healed it is very Important to have your leg assessed by a vein specialist in most cases as you may be at risk of further or recurrent leg ulcers and this can avoided or minimised by correct advise and vein treatment.
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What is a leg Ulcer?
A leg ulcer is an area of damaged skin where the body tissue underneath the skin is exposed. Leg Ulcers are very often caused by a combination of damaged or varicose veins in the legs and poor circulation. In healthy veins, the blood pressure within the veins are controlled by healthy one way valves. These valves are damaged in varicose veins or where there has previously been a blood clot or thrombosis within the leg veins. This causes the pressure to rise within the leg veins and as a result fluid leaks out of the vein causing swelling irritation of the skin, pigmentation and eventually a leg ulcer.
What is the Treatment for Leg Ulcers?
The most effective and quickest way of treating a leg ulcer caused by damaged varicose veins is by treating the varicose veins first followed by a period of compression bandaging or stockings. This means that vein leg ulcers should be assessed by a varicose vein specialist and an ultrasound Doppler or duplex scan as soon as the ulcer occurs to stop it getting bigger and to have appropriate treatment. In some cases if ulcers are not treated correctly they may never heal or can remain for years. Sometimes leg ulcers are more complicated caused by blocked veins or arteries and more complex vein or artery treatment may be required. At the British Varicose Vein Centre we have a specialised and rapid assessment with a treatment plan and program that should heal most leg ulcers.

What other factors help the skin in leg ulcer treatment and prevention?
Exercise. Keeping mobile and walking every day uses the muscles in the leg to help pump the water and fluid in the leg back to the heart. This is called the muscle pump. Sitting in chair all day or Standing can effect the speed of leg ulcer healing. If it is not possible to walk much then toe or ankle exercises help the muscle pump.
Skin Care. Good skin care with moisturising cream or aqueous cream purchased from a pharmacy keeps the skin moist avoiding dry and scaly skin. If dry and scaly skin occurs this can increase the risk of skin infection, irritation and leg ulcers.
Nutrition. To aid wound healing a very well-balanced diet and good hydration helps skin nutrition and healing. If there is any lacking of nutrients this could delay wound healing and consulting your family doctor or taking food or vitamin supplements sometimes may be required.
Compression Stockings. Sometimes it is necessary to wear compression stockings, either in the short or long term. These should be advised by your specialist or family doctor. They come in 3 strengths, Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3.
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