Conditions: Varicose veins in obese patients
Treatment: laser fibre – tactile feedback technique
It has often been misquoted that overweight or obese patients cant have their varicose veins treated. It has also been misquoted that you have to be under 13 stone to have your varicose veins treated.
Both statements are incorrect.
It is now possible using a special technique pioneered at the British Varicose Vein Centre to treat obese and very obese patients who suffer from varicose veins.
Mrs LA is a 38 year mother of young children with a city based job who has bad painful varicose veins.
Unfortunately Mrs LA had been turned down for treatment to her veins before because she
was 18stone.
This is because standard new treatments or varicose vein surgery very often does
not work or has complications in such patients. Treatment of varicose veins in obesity
Mrs LA came to the British Varicose Vein Centre for a Vein checkup which demonstrated that it was possible to treat her varicose veins.
Mrs LA had her veins successfully treated using a special laser fibre using a special technique called the “tactile feedback technique” that has been pioneered at our Centre.
Importantly this was all done under local anaesthetic in about 40 minutes.
Mrs LA went home soon after and was caring for her young children at tea time.