Varicose Vein Treatments

Varicose vein treatments are numerous.  With so many different types of varicose vein conditions and treatments available it is vitally important that each patients receive the correct form of vein treatment.  At the British Varicose Vein centre and our expert medical staff  able to ascertain what is right varicose vein treatment for each individual.  With new keyhole operations there is basically no need for “stripping” of the varicose veins.

The new treatments are divided into two different techniques.  The first is thermal ablation techniques to treat varicose veins such as Laser ablation of varicose veins (EVLA) or radio frequency ablation of varicose veins (RFA).  This is NICE and insurance approved treatment of varicose veins and should successfully treat 99% of all primary varicose veins.  The second keyhole treatment for varicose veins is Mechanical or Chemical Ablation (MOCA) of varicose veins.  Whilst very effective these are not suitable for all types of varicose vein treatment such as patients who are obese or who have very large diameter varicose veins or where the veins have been scarred by blood clots.

The list below is quite an exhaustive list of the current varicose vein treatments available.   At the British Varicose Vein Centre we are able to offer all these varicose treatments but the Consultant Vein specialist will guide you to which is the most appropriate for your needs as it be quite confusing. 

Every patient is different and we ensure that everyone is dealt with on an individual basis so that the correct treatment can be delivered.

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